Oberon-A release 1 Oberon 2 compiler
 PGP v2.3a p3    Encryption system for the Amiga
 CycleToMenu v2.1  Turns cycle gadgets to menus

The most downloaded files from wustl.edu during the week until 12-Jun-94
Most popular file on top.

File                 Dir        Size Description
-------------------  ---        ---- -----------
mfs.lha              disk/misc   11K+Merges DF0: and PC0: in a single device
ar218.lha            docs/mags   51K+Amiga Report 2.18, 3-Jun-94
Harlequin.lzh        demo/euro   85K+The definitive texture mapping gfx demo.
ShowAmiga.lha        demo/euro   78K+An Information System about Amiga by C= Ge
jpegAGA10.lha        gfx/show   253K+highest quality JPEG viewer (for AGA)
anetfaq.lzh          docs/help   77K+Amiga Networking FAQ
sysihack.lha         util/wb      4K+Get rid of squished looking windows V0.2
GPFP_1.0.lha         comm/misc   10K+Small control util for GPFax
SpaceTaxi.lha        game/misc  202K+like the C64er game, 1-3 Players
anb105.lha           docs/mags   70K+Amiga Newsbits #1.05 - 01-Jun-94


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